Thursday, July 2, 2009

Blogging: Amanda, Corie, Tricia

Amanda Vargo:
Today I felt like everything I did for everyone was not good enough with the day off from the build. It was needed but I wished I did work, it beats not being appreciated. It feels like everyone expects me to be a lot tougher than everyone and sometimes I just can´t. But for the ones that seem to be understanding it I am glad they are, or I would go completely crazy. I am glad Kim has different music than the stuff that I have had to listen to for the last five days, it´s great to listen to my normal stuff. Thanks Kim.

Corie Hordijk:
Buenos noches, everyone!
Today was a bit of a halt in the middle of the trip. Some people got sick so we had a rest day. It was good to get some more sleep after the most scary storm I have ever encountered in my life, which happened last night. The thunder was roaring, rain was pouring and the wind was so strong and loud that I thought our building would fall down! I was a little freaked out. An El Salvadorian storm is not to be reckoned with!
After sleeping the healthy ones got to go to the local market. It was a trip full of emotions. It was dark little pathways, inside tin walls, bussling with people, dead chickens, meat hanging, and seafood alive and crawling. A smelly and awesome experience! Everyone was staring with wide eyes at us and could not believe what they saw. People were in shock with my hair, one lady grabbed me and wanted me to buy a fake Lacoste shirt so badly. We then went to the biggest church I have ever been in. It had the weirdest feeling and mannequins were everywhere. But it was beautiful! On the way back to our place we stopped to buy some awesome Spanish CDs! I had the best time doing a little dancing with one of the locals! The streets here are just so busy with people! The rest of the afternoon we just hung out, went to lunch at a fast food place, which was a little odd, and we played some baseball with Juan-Carlos, the keeper of our home. I had a great day in all and loved getting some rest!
It´s Canada Day today and all I know is that we are all very fortunate to live how we live in a beautiful country!
Hasta Luego!
Love, Corie :) xoxo

Tricia Angle:
The day of rest was really nice. We had a lot of time to bond and a little more time to soak up the culture. We got to visit the marketplace, which was a little less of a shock for me than for the others, because I have had the priveledge to see a similar marketplace in Morocco. The fast food place we went to for lunch was more shocking to me. The North American invasion was a little disturbing, almost as if we are trying to push our culture on to other people because we think it is better. They did have good curly fries though =). We also learned a really cool game from Juan-Carlos! I will definitely be keeping it in mind for Balsam Lake, family!!
Love you all! Trish


  1. Ugh! I just hit the 'back' button and lost everything that I wrote! I hate it when that happens...Now I'm running short on time to get ready for work. So I'll try to condense it, so it may come across as "harsh" but it is said with loving kindness:

    Dear Amanda: I am sure that you are still appreciated but it may be in softer, quieter ways that are not as obvious. Be still and listen for the whispers! You are GREAT just being YOU: no need for others expectations. This may be one of life's lessons showing you that "tough" is not ALL that you are. It's O.K. to be soft and gentle too!

    My Dearest Corie: I know you know that I'd love to be experiencing this with you! But living this vicariously through you is Fantastic too! I hear you about the storm- remember that night in the tent in Port Burwell? My heart is with you...
    Did the market re-new your vow to vegetarianism? Did you buy the shirt? I'm guessing...NOT! I can just see you dancing in the street! I'm really enjoying your writing which, by the way, has REALLY improved in terms of descriptiveness. Way to go! I Love You Lots and keep squeezing every last drop out of this experience! Marla is (almost!) as excited as I am about this and Lorraine Pyle wants you to come see her if you're going to do something like this again in the future.

    To all the organizers and leaders of this venture: THANKS FOR ALL YOUR TIME, ENERGY AND SPIRIT for making this a reality. It feels like a culmination of my 17 years of raising Corie - "the icing on the cake"!

    Dear Tricia: I'd like to hear more about your trip to Morocco sometime, and more about your thoughts on the "North American invasion of the fast food place". Maybe we'll have an "after trip BBQ" (but not on a Satur-Day so that I can come too!) and we can share then.

    Be Well ALL! Get Better, Stay Better and continue to BE THE BEST THAT YOU ARE!

    Schnook-ums, Piglet, Mischa, and....Leola!

  2. Tricia...I can already feel the change in you! Everyone here is so proud of you and asking everyday how you're doing. Lots of people checking the blog as well! Grandma Atkinson is watching and very excited for you! I hope you were'nt one of the sick ones(?)! Stay healthy and enjoy this experience! Sounds like you all are doing an amazing job! Keep up the good work!!! I miss you, love you and by the way, Addy and Dom send their love!!! Luv ya Mom

  3. thanks kim for saving amanda's music problems, no need to feel tough amanda it's how you feel when the work has ended, just look around and take it all in, regroup and continue on doing the best you can . stay well, dont let those ants build a bigger house then yours, ha ha ! have some fun mom

  4. Oh ya, and have a supercalafragilisticexpealadocious weekend at the Rancho Estero y Mar!

  5. Curly fries know no bounderies.
    Miss you Tricia

  6. Hey Tricia, Missed you at the family bbq Canada day. We are all very proud of you and by the time you receive this, you will be on your way home! See you at the family reunion Saturday! I actually found my way to this site on my own and figured out how to post. If my brother can do it so can I.. hope you have lots of pictures.
    Love Aunt Karen & Uncle Pierre

  7. I love you Tricia!! Miss you terribly! Can't wait to see you Wed. nite!! So proud of you Addy pointed to your pic. with Dom today and smiled when I said that's Godmamma T!!! Love you sweetie god bless Mom
